
无限制赠予 年度基金 每年提供有竞争力的奖项,以资助以下优先事项:

  • 注重知识的获取和应用
  • 提供吸引人的体验,挑战澳门十大赌城官方网站的学生超越
  • 扩大区域外联和参与
  • 使大学的人力、财政和物质资源与战略重点保持一致
  • 和更多的...


  • 保龄家庭全球公民基金

    The purpose of the Fund shall be to support the global competence of 澳门十大赌城官方网站 students. FSU学生提交的申请, 教员/员工, 和/或注册的FSU学生组织将支持一个或一系列项目, 项目, 研究, 和/或教育/服务机会,以提高FSU学生的全球竞争力. 这些项目可以是国际的,也可以是国内的.

    Proposals should emphasize at least one of the following four dimensions of global competence:

    1. Investigate the world beyond their immediate environment: Framing significant problems and conducting well-crafted and appropriate 研究.
    2. 识别的观点, others’ and their own: Articulating and explaining such perspectives thoughtfully 和尊重fully.
    3. 与不同的受众有效地沟通思想:跨越地域, 语言, 思想文化障碍.
    4. Take action to improve conditions: Viewing themselves as players in the world and participating reflectively.

    Source: Educating for Global Competence: 6 Reasons, 7 Competencies, 8 Strategies, 9 Innovations


  • 艾尔和戴尔博克斯利教师奖/学生研究奖

    该基金的目的是支持教师或学生奖励. The faculty awards are to be used to cover travel and registration fees for a disciplinary conference at which the faculty member will give a formal paper that will result in a publication either in a refereed journal or in the conference proceedings, 或者老师会做一个报告, 海报会议, 或其他导致正式承认的适当活动. The student awards are to be used for travel and registration fees for a disciplinary conference at which the student will have an opportunity to present his or her work in conjunction with the faculty member, 作为学生研究津贴, or for equipment and or 供应 for a specific undergraduate or graduate 研究 项目 connected to the 研究 program of a faculty member.

  • J. 弗雷德里克·直布罗陀区域和文化艺术基金

    该基金的目的是支持FSU的区域和文化艺术项目. 基金将用于资助“文化活动系列”, 音乐之友, 和其他表演艺术节目(戏剧), 跳舞, 音乐). 申请将通过FSU基金会机会资助程序进行. The Annual Spending Committee will review all the applications and recommend to the FSU 基金会 Board of Directors 项目(s) for final approval.

  • 乔纳森·直布罗陀提高酒精意识和教育总统领导基金

    这个基金的目的是支持教育项目, 社会事业, and/or community service related programs geared toward alcohol 意识 and the importance of responsible behaviors and decision making. Applicants should demonstrate the potential impact of the proposed program by providing information on how the program's success will be measured and estimating the numbers of participants the program is intended to involve. Consideration will be provided to those programs whose intent is to foster a broader 意识 of alcohol related issues beyond the immediate campus community. 项目 that include the community of Frostburg or relationships between the University and community, 例如, 可以给予考虑.

  • 凯瑟琳R. 吉拉校园社区奖

    The purpose of the fund shall be to support students who demonstrate a desire and an ability to engage in real-life experiences that complement traditional classroom instruction. 最终, these experiences will help students prepare for their careers and for their roles as productive members of society.



    • 领导: 支持学生领导项目和计划. 包括但不限于培训项目, 研讨会, 会议, 撤退, 本科研究和其他类似性质的机会.
    • 校友联系: To support students or groups of students in alumni mentoring or other programs of a similar nature.
    • 社区服务: 促进,鼓励和协助FSU社区和志愿服务计划. 资金可以帮助学生和/或学生群体获得校外住房, 运输, 供应, 材料, 和/或与已批准的FSU社区服务项目相关的其他费用. 例子包括, 但不限于, 春夏课间作业, 紧急救灾项目和委员会认为可以接受的其他项目.
    • 实习: 支持fsu赞助的实习项目, 包括但不限于在安纳波利斯或华盛顿安排实习生, DC. 这笔资金旨在帮助学生实习生支付校外住宿和交通费用, thereby helping to ensure that students accepted as interns have the resources needed to participate in the program. 其他学术项目可由委员会决定申请资格, 比如教育, 社会工作, 娱乐, 商业和其他学术领域.
    • 出国留学: To support students in the 国外留学 program or other programs approved and recognized by the University for similar study. Funding will assist students and/or groups of students to meet off-campus housing and 运输 costs associated with approved FSU study abroad programs.
  • 金和马里昂·伦纳德的《澳门赌城官方网站》 & 其他体验式学习基金

    该基金的目的是支持FSU的教师, 工作人员, 让学生们明白澳门十大赌城官方网站对正念的重视, 真实性, 意识, 脆弱性, 开放, 信任, 听, 和尊重. 这些是情商的组成部分, 以及他们在高等教育和职业生涯中成功的重要性, will receive greater attention through the activities supported by the Fund that build self-意识, 自我接纳, 和自我同情. 此外, the fund hopes to empower educators to design learning experiences for mindful leadership of self and others. 教师, 工作人员, and students may apply for funding for related external training programs such as Dr. 詹姆斯·戈登的身心中心 & 医学(CMBM)项目或者Jon Kabat Zinn博士的正念减压项目.

    该奖项将用于教师的专业发展, 工作人员 and students who have demonstrated an interest in integrative mind-body-spirit wellness and who desire to further develop mind-body skills that stress personal 意识, 专注于自我接纳, 同情, 真实性, 和自我负责. 美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)列出了相关培训主题的示例。 国家补充和替代医学中心(NCAM)网站. (一些例子可能包括:各种冥想技巧, 瑜伽的风格, 正念减压计划, 深呼吸练习, 引导图像, 催眠疗法, 逐步放松, 气功, 还有太极, 等.)

    Student applicants shall provide an essay addressing experiences or training he/she has had in this field, as well as how taking a leadership role will further the integration of mind-body-spirit wellness skills in a professional career.

  • 伍德沃德和弗吉尼亚皮尔奖

    The purpose of the fund is to support student scholarships and faculty development initiatives. 基金会 Opportunity Grants can utilize up to 40% in support of University faculty development programs for the following uses.

    • 访问学者的助学金和差旅费, 讲师, 艺术家, 表演者和节目
    • 认可和推广这些活动
    • 采购与这些活动有关的设备
    • 马里兰州阿勒格尼县外展/专业发展计划
  • 玛莎T. 拉尔夫·M. 种族西方历史讲座基金

    The purpose of the fund is to support an annual lecture series on the topic of Western 历史 which is defined as the history of Western Europe, 地中海周围产生的文化和政治制度的历史, 包括近东, 撒哈拉沙漠以北的非洲, 和西方, 美国的半球.

  • 马琳·韦默纪念学术努力基金

    The purpose of this fund is to support scholarly endeavors in the area of innovative mathematics faculty development initiatives and/or scholarship support for outstanding mathematics students, dependent upon the area of greatest need as determined by the Mathematics Department on an annual basis.

有兴趣申请资助的人士应 完成申请. Award recipients will be notified in June and must spend all money between July 1 and June 30 of the following fiscal year. Awards will be based upon the amount available from the 年度基金 and as determined by the spending policy of each endowed fund.

先前资助的项目列表可在 出版物页面.

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