Policy on Access to Equipment for Individuals with Disabilities

Frostburg State University purchases equipment to assist students and employees with disabilities in participating in University programs and performing job duties. A complete listing is maintained by the Director of Disability Support Services, for student issued equipment and by the Title IX/ADA/EEO Coordinator for employee issued equipment

Equipment for student use is housed on-campus in accessible locations. Students may not take equipment off-campus at any time without written permission from the Office of the Director of Disability Support Services. Loans to students shall be strictly for academic purposes and no loans shall exceed a period of one semester.

Equipment for employees may be taken off-campus, with written approval from the Title IX/ADA EEO Coordinator. Loans to employees will be limited to official university business.

Students and employees should report problems with equipment immediately to either the Director of Disability Support Services or the Title IX/ADA/EEO Coordinator. The University shall maintain responsibility for ensuring that all equipment is in good working order and that repairs are made in a prompt manner.