Adjudicative/M和ated Committees

本页概述了每个裁决和授权委员会的作用,并指明了该委员会的主席或其他适当的联系人. For more information, please consult the 教师 Governance charters 文档.

教师 Grievance Committee

椅子: Andy Duncan (English 和 Foreign Languages)


申诉委员会应审查小灵通/国家科学基金会赞助活动中不能解决令研究和赞助项目主任满意的利益冲突. 委员会还将就其他申诉程序未具体涉及的任何事项听取申诉. Specifically excluded from the jurisdiction of the committee are the following:

  1. The complaint pertains to a subject that is reviewable under, 或被任何其他制度或机构政策特别排除在审查之外;
  2. The complaint pertains to an official policy, 监管, or 过程 of System or the institution; a 决定 or action by Board of Regrets, the Chancellor or President; or any matter the remedy for which would contravene or interfere with any such official policy, 监管, 过程, 决定, 或动作;
  3. The complaint pertains to board areas of the fiscal management, 人员配备, or of the University System of Maryl和 or constituent institutions; or
  4. 投诉的解决不受该机构和/或大学系统的控制.
  5. 申诉最初属于教员申诉委员会的管辖范围.
  6. 该投诉最初属于平等就业机会咨询小组的管辖范围.


教师 Mediation Committee



教师调解员是经过培训的调解员,由他们的同龄人提名和选举,在教员之间的不满事件中提供调解,作为向教员申诉委员会提出正式请愿之前的非正式解决机制. 该委员会将作为学院调解员的管理机构,审查其程序并提出改进调解程序的建议.

教师 Appeals Committee

椅子: Tom Lambert (Biology)


马里兰大学系统关于任命、职级和Tuner (USM A)政策的规定.R.T) m和ate the function of the 教师 Appeals Committee. 像这样, 它将听取个别教员对教务长休假建议提出的申诉, professional/research leaves, 促销活动, 任期内, permanent status, academic freedom, 和 other personnel matters. The 教师 Appeals Committee's Functions include:

  1. 审理涉及正式诉讼的案件,这些诉讼涉及解雇终身教职员工或试用期尚未届满的试用教职员工的行动;
  2. Hearing individual appeals by faculty members regarding promotion;
  3. 听取教职员关于评估/推荐的个人申诉(仅适用于得分低于3分的教职员).0整体);
  4. 听取教职员关于专业/研究休假的个人申诉;
  5. Hearing individual appeals by faculty members regarding 任期内/permanent status;
  6. Hearing individual appeals by faculty members terminated under a retrenchment plan;
  7. 审理涉及导致对教员进行制裁的正式诉讼程序的案件;
  8. 审理教员指控学术自由受到侵犯的个人申诉;
  9. And carrying out such other responsibilities as are indicated in the ISM A.R.T. 文档.


Parking Appeals Committee

Contact: Chief Cynthia Smith, FSU Police 


停车申诉委员会的宗旨是裁决从大学停车票接受者收到的申诉。. 另外, bases upon the perceptions gained from reviewing said appeals, the Committee may recommend to the University Police, modification of 过程s 和/ or provisions to the University Police, modification of 过程s 和/or provisions associated with parking, parking 监管s, 和 the enforcement thereof.


Institutional Review Board

椅子: Christopher Masciocchi (Psychology)


IRB的全称是保护人类作为研究参与者的机构审查委员会. 它对协议的审查侧重于保护研究参与者,并确保任何风险与联邦法规第46章保护人类受试者的预期利益适当平衡. That is its sole function

For more information on FSU's IRB requirements 和 过程s, visit the Humans as Participants in Research page.


Institutional Animal Care 和 Use Committee

椅子: Karen Keller (Biology)


机构动物护理和使用委员会的存在是为了尽量减少脊椎动物研究和教学项目对动物的潜在危害. Its responsibilities include:

  1. Semiannual inspections of all live vertebrate animal care facilities on campus, including making recommendations to ensure quality humane care.
  2. 审查和批准涉及在研究或教学中使用活体脊椎动物的动物使用协议(AUP),以确保符合现行《澳门赌城官方网站》中的所有法规和标准, The National Academies Press, 华盛顿, D.C.
  3. Review of proposed significant changes to animal use of previously approved AUP’s.
  4. 根据联邦或州政府机构的要求,准备有关脊椎动物研究或教学风险的年度或特别报告.
  5. 准备指导方针和申请材料,可能有助于研究人员或教师在校园.
  6. Assisting in informing the campus of other 监管s 和 requirements, which govern research exempt from Committee review by the federal rule.


For more information, visit FSU's Animal Care 和 Use page.

Academic Department Chairs Council

椅子: Michael Flinn (Computer Science 和 Information Technologies)


The Academic Department Chairs Council provides:

  • 一个供系主任讨论和解决学术部门和系主任特别感兴趣的问题的论坛,
  • 系主任与大学各行政办公室和学院管理之间的沟通渠道, 和
  • 在学院管理中发起与学术部门和系主任相关的建议的工具.
  • 一个机会, in conjunction with the Institutional Priorities 和 Resources Committee, to review (at least once every five years) department chairs' compensation, including stipends 和 reassigned time, to determine if change is warranted.


Student Conduct Hearing Panels

Contact: Carl Crowe, Dean of Students


听证小组的主要目的是裁决可能违反学生行为准则的行为. 学生行为制度的目的是教育性质,而不是惩罚性质,即使严重违反将涉及建议停学或开除的机构. 程序的目的是在学生学习的背景下关注学生的行为选择和公民责任.