进入Mathematica桌面, Mathematica在线, Wolfram | Alpha职业, 和Wolfram | Alpha笔记本版



Mathematica is currently installed in the following locations:




Frostburg State's Mathematica license allows for parallel computing on dedicated research clusters and in ad-hoc, 或分布式, 网格环境中. 详情请联络 特洛伊Schaudt.

请求Mathematica桌面, Mathematica在线, Wolfram | Alpha职业, 和Wolfram | Alpha笔记本版, 按照下面的说明操作.


  1. 创建帐户 (只限新用户):
    1. 用户.沃尔夫勒姆.com 点击“创建帐户”
    2. 使用a填写表格 @hebhgkq.com 点击“创建Wolfram ID”
    3. Check your email and click the link to validate your Wolfram ID
  2. Request access to the product:教师: Get Mathematica
    Mathematica桌面 Mathematica在线
    1. 填写此表格(桌面) 请求激活密钥
    2. Click the "Product Summary page" link 访问您的许可证
    3. Click "Get Downloads" and select "Download" next to your platform
    4. Run the installer on your machine, and enter Activation Key at prompt
    1. 请填写此表格(个人所有) 向沃尔夫勒姆申请家庭使用许可证.
    1. 填写此表格(网上) 请求访问
    2. Mathematica在线 并登录进入Mathematica在线
    Wolfram | Alpha职业
    1. 填写此表格(Alpha Pro) 请求访问
    2. Wolfram | Alpha 点击“登录”进入Wolfram | Alpha职业
    Wolfram | Alpha笔记本版
    1. 请填写此表格(Alpha Notebook) 请求激活密钥
    2. 用户.沃尔夫勒姆.com 访问您的许可证
    3. Select your platform next to "Download" to download installer
    4. Run the installer on your machine, and enter Wolfram ID at prompt


  1. 创建帐户 (只限新用户):
    1. 用户.沃尔夫勒姆.com 点击“创建帐户”
    2. 使用a填写表格 @hebhgkq.com 点击“创建Wolfram ID”
    3. Check your email and click the link to validate your Wolfram ID
  2. Request access to the product:Student: Get mathematicaMathematica桌面
    1. 请填写这张表格 请求激活密钥
    2. Click the "Product Summary page" link 访问您的许可证
    3. Click "Get Downloads" and select "Download" next to your platform
    4. Run the installer on your machine, and enter Activation Key at prompt
    1. 请填写这张表格 请求访问
    2. Mathematica在线 并登录进入Mathematica在线
    Wolfram | Alpha职业
    1. 请填写这张表格 请求访问
    2. Wolfram | Alpha 点击“登录”进入Wolfram | Alpha职业
    Wolfram | Alpha笔记本版
    1. 请填写这张表格 请求激活密钥
    2. 用户.沃尔夫勒姆.com 访问您的许可证
    3. Select your platform next to "Download" to download installer
    4. Run the installer on your machine, and enter Wolfram ID at prompt

你有兴趣把Mathematica放到别的地方吗? 请让IT或 Wolfram Research的特洛伊Schaudt说 知道.



这些教程非常适合新用户, and can be assigned to students as homework to learn Mathematica outside of class time.

    • 数学新知识12

      Provides a list of new functionality in Mathematica 12, and links to documentation and examples for these new features—including blockchain management, 音频处理, 机器学习和神经网络, 以及文本和语言处理.

    • 如何主题

      Access step-by-step instructions ranging from how to create animations to basic syntax information.

    • Mathematica资源

      Browse Wolfram's large collection of learning materials and support resources.

  • 笔记本入门(互动公开课)

    学习使用Wolfram笔记本电脑进行计算, 编程, generating reports and creating presentations with this interactive course.

Wolfram | Alpha职业

    • Wolfram之旅|Alpha

      新加入Wolfram | Alpha? Take a tour to learn what you can do with Wolfram | Alpha, and explore additional features you get with Wolfram | Alpha职业.

Wolfram | Alpha笔记本版



Mathematica offers an interactive classroom experience that helps students explore and grasp concepts, plus gives faculty the tools they need to easily create supporting course materials, 作业, 和演示.

    • Teaching and Learning with Mathematica—Free video course

      Learn how to make your classroom dynamic with interactive models, explore computation and visualization capabilities in Mathematica that make it useful for teaching practically any subject at any level, and get best-practice suggestions for course integration.

    • 准备和演讲

      Learn how to create a slideshow presentation that combines graphics, 计算, 格式很好的文本, 使用实时计算或动画.

    • Wolfram演示项目

      下载预构建, open-code examples from a daily-growing collection of interactive visualizations, 涵盖了广泛的主题.

  • Wolfram | Alpha职业

      • Discovering the Educational Potential of Wolfram | Alpha—Free video course

        Get an overview of Wolfram | Alpha and learn how to integrate its powerful 知道ledge into the K-12 classroom. 访问Wolfram | Alpha的不同方式, 在教室中使用预构建的小部件, and resources available to educators will be discussed.

      • Wolfram | Alpha in Your Classroom为教育工作者提供的免费虚拟研讨会

        This workshop showed off many exciting new Wolfram | Alpha features for students and teachers. Learn how to use Wolfram | Alpha to inspire authentic learning in your classroom with access to real-world data.

      • 教育工作者微积分网络研讨会免费视频网络研讨会

        Explore functions and their derivatives, integrals and limits using the Wolfram Language. This session shows practice problems with the Wolfram Problem Generator and lesson plans and tips on using Wolfram | Alpha in your calculus classroom.

      • 教育家物理网络研讨会免费视频网络研讨会

        Learn about using Wolfram | Alpha for your physics class computations to complement your existing curricula. Interesting blog posts and online resources are shared that help foster curiosity in areas such as mechanics, 粒子物理, 光学和其他.

      • 教育工作者经济学网络研讨会免费视频网络研讨会

        Access a wide range of socioeconomic and demographic data, 货币计算, financial indicators and country data using natural language input. Create stunning visualizations and examine financial equations such as mortgage and annuity through rigorous algorithms.


      Rather than requiring different toolkits for different jobs, Mathematica integrates the world's largest collection of algorithms, 高性能计算能力, and a powerful visualization engine in one coherent system, making it ideal for academic research in just about any discipline.


        • Wolfram语言培训课程免费视频课程

          探索Wolfram语言的可能性, 包括编程基础和概念, 内置函数, 符号表情, 以及更好的建议, 更快的编码.

        • Introduction to Parallel Computation in the Wolfram Language—Free video course

          Learn how to create programs that take advantage of multicore machines or available clusters.

        • 领域的应用

          Learn what areas of Mathematica are useful for specific fields.