Bobcat Innovation Launchpad Proves a Huge Success


最近, 70 students applied to participate in the regional Bobcat Innovation Launch Pad competition Sept. 22-24 hosted by Frostburg State University in partnership with TEDCO's Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII), Deloitte’s Innovation Lab, and the University System of Maryland Launch Fund.

“The Bobcat Innovation Launch Pad was an unqualified success,” said Mr. Al Delia, vice president for Regional Development and Engagement at Frostburg State University. “All students learned a lot about themselves, about working in teams and about how to find innovative ways of solving tough issues.”

This unique program combined the best aspects of a hackathon with those of a business pitch competition and allowed multidisciplinary teams of students to work quickly and collectively to develop business models and technology-based solutions to real world problems.

“Each student was placed on a team, with teammates they just met, to develop a real-world solution to a real-world challenge – in 2 ½ days – and then pitch that commercially-viable idea to a panel of expert judges,迪莉娅说。. “That is a difficult, pressure-filled test that every student passed with flying colors!”

Dr. 迈克尔Flinn, FSU Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Information Technologies, echoed those sentiments. “At the Bobcat Innovation Launch Pad event, we witnessed a diverse array of students from various disciplines and levels brilliantly demonstrating substantial growth in their pitch and communication skills and aptly managing stressors like positive friction.”

The focus of the Bobcat Innovation Launch Pad was on distributed energy resources, 虚拟电厂, climate change and Environmental, 社会, and Governance (ESG) factors. Student teams were advised and mentored by FSU faculty, 工作人员, and subject matter experts, including advisors from Deloitte, as they worked through a variety of 问题陈述 与主题相关.

Over the course of this event, teams were asked to design or build a prototype and create a business plan that they pitched to the audience and the panel of judges. “I really enjoyed watching FSU’s students pitch such fresh and innovative solutions to difficult real-world challenges and expect this experience will not only spark their entrepreneurial spirit but show them a path to creating commercially viable technologies,詹妮弗·沃尔什说, one of the competition judges for the event.

获胜的队伍, 黑钻石, was awarded a cash prize of $2,500 to support further exploration and development of their solution. Members of 黑钻石 included Courage Tikum, 罗伯特Knottsill, Stephen Springsteel, 梅尔文周, 和撒尼亚·郭.

“The Bobcat Innovation Launch Pad event was completely different from what I had expected,” said Courage Tikum of 黑钻石. “It was a challenging yet enjoyable experience to be able to work with my team to come up with solutions to real-world problems.提库姆接着说, “We learned how to dig deeper into problems and also realized that failure is the most critical step to success.”

迪莉娅说, “With their cash winnings, and with the help of additional resources from FSU, 超声电机, TEDCO's MII and others to guide and support them, these teams now have the opportunity to create a real business.”

Flinn was impressed by all the participating teams, not just those in receipt of funding. “It was a panorama of learning where everyone emerged a winner, enhancing their salary negotiation potentials and adding invaluable layers to their future selves.”

Volunteering their time to serve as competition judges, mentors or subject matter experts included CBECMS 教师 and 工作人员 members, 史蒂文•肯尼迪, 丽贝卡Flinn, Dr. 郑新良博士. Nooh一. 穆罕默德博士. 陈志江博士. 迈克尔Flinn, and Stefanie Boggs, and Dr. 马克·迈克尔. Additional judges were Dr. Benjamin Norris, Jennifer Walsh, Tim Pelesky, Dr. Michael Mathias, Jodi Broadwater, Dr. Stacey Wassell, Troy LeMaile-Stovall, Devereaux Milburn, and Al Delia. 另外, thanks go to Chartwell’s catering service, 前苏联内务, and campus police for their part in ensuring a successful event.

Bobcat Innovation Launchpad students participate